Artists who rent gallery wall and shelf space in the Red House rotate their positions and refresh their collections of artwork every two months.
Key dates for next wall & shelf rotation:
- Wednesday, January 29th: Deadline for submitting new work not already in ArtCloud, and list of all items you plan to add/remove on your wall/shelf.
- Sunday, February 2nd: Red House Inventory Team will provide new wall/shelf tag PDFs for your installation by this date.
- You can move and change out your wall at any time from 5 PM, February 3rd to 10 AM, February 6th. The gallery is closed on the 4th and 5th, so you have the ability do your installation at any time.
- When you come in, the wall you are moving to may be occupied. Very carefully move the artwork to one of two places.
- Move it to that artist’s next wall space if vacant. (We always move up 4 spaces, wall 1 to wall 5, wall 2 to wall 6, etc.)
- If the wall is occupied, move the artwork to the Art Education Room. There are plenty of hangers on the wall.
- If you come in and your work is not where it was, look for it on your next wall or in the Art Education Room.
Guidelines and Process
It is important to replace at least 50% of your artwork to refresh your wall.
All NEW Inventory (not already in ArtCloud) must be submitted no later than the date specified above for this rotation.
- Submit NEW inventory that you expect to hang, including up to 2 extra pieces if you are unsure about space.
- Send your NEW inventory via your Artist Account in ArtCloud (preferred)
- If you are unable to use ArtCloud, send detailed information and photos to
- In addition to submitting your NEW items for addition to ArtCloud, ALSO email the following to
- A list of Inventory Numbers for any items you expect to move from another Red House location (e.g. studio, present wall)
- A list of Inventory Numbers of currently displayed artwork that you will be removing from your wall
- If you are returning artwork to your studio, please indicate these Inventory Numbers as well in your email.
- Artists will be provided a PDF report of their anticipated wall/shelf inventory (including “extras”). It is your responsibility to confirm all information.
- If there is a discrepancy in the information on the PDF, notify the inventory team via immediately.
After the inventory team has processed your confirmed artwork, you will receive a PDF to print your tags. Do not create your own tag style. Tag content and style must match what is in the ArtCloud PDF exactly.
- Artists are responsible for printing at least one complete set of fresh wall tags and using these when rotating.
- Print 2 tags – one to label the back or bottom of your artwork and one for the wall.
- Shelf artists may choose to use a single standard tag placed on the shelf or wall and affix a small hang tag or “gummy” label as needed to fit the size of their work. Such tags MUST include, at a minimum, the Inventory Number and Price.
- If you choose, you can purchase Avery 8871 blank business cards, so you won’t need to cut them out.
- If you cut them yourself, they must be business card size only (3.5” x 2.0”). There is a small paper cutter in the Art Education Room for you to use.
- Place your wall tag next to or under the artwork.
Additional information
- Only bring in artwork that is in the SVAL inventory and that has a printed tag from ArtCloud. DO NOT bring in other artwork expecting it to be entered into the system.
Wall installation – Please comply with the installation guidelines.
- Wiring for hanging.
- Place D-rings about 1/3” the length of the frame from the top edge of the frame.
- Use thick, multistrand wire.
- Tighten the wire to about 2½ - 3 inches from the top edge.
- It is sometimes helpful to wrap the area of the wire that is on the hook or holder. If using a cleat-style holder on the rod, ensure that the wire can NOT get stuck in the gap! Add tape if necessary to prevent this.
- The top of your artwork/frame must not extend above 90” from the floor and the bottom of the artwork/frame must not extend below 30” from the floor.
- Keep at minimum of 3” on all sides of your artwork. There should be 6” between walls (the combined 3” from each wall).
- For the best effect determine the midpoint of the wall, 60” from the floor and mark with blue tape.
- Measure each painting (including frame) you plan to place on one rod. Add an additional 3” between each painting. The total cannot be more than 60”.
- Divide the total by 2. Mark this point on the appropriate artwork using blue tape. This is the midpoint of the work to be hung.
- Line up the midpoint of the artwork with the midpoint on the wall. This places your artwork at the best advantage for viewing.
- It is essential to maintain a professional appearance and avoid overcrowding of pieces. Remember, sometimes less is more.
- You will have 3 rods and 9 hooks. If you need additional rods, you can order them from Tina.
- Use mounting putty to stabilize the rods behind each hook.
- Level artwork and use mounting putty at the bottom of your frame to the rod to maintain.
After installation, before leaving the gallery, artists will review with the inventory manager which items are placed on their wall/shelf and which items are being removed from the Red House. If an inventory manager is not available on-site, artists will send an email to either confirming that they hung/shelved all items on their list, or notifying the inventory team which items on the PDF list are NOT currently in the gallery. This helps us verify that the correct location information is in ArtCloud.
- Title: Morning Star: <Inventory #> – taken home
- Title: Last Dawn: <Inventory #> – moved to studio
- Title: Horizons: <Inventory #> – installed on wall
Tools & Supplies to Bring for Installation
- Mounting putty
- Small level
- Ruler or measuring tape
- Blue painters’ tape – use for mounting the tag.
Wall/Shelf Dimensions