SVAL/Red House Objectives
- To provide a setting to cultivate the creative talents of beginning and accomplished artists.
- To provide a permanent and continuous gallery space for member exhibits and receptions.
- To provide a home for the operation of the league: including classrooms, meeting rooms and workshop areas.
- To provide working "entrepreneurial" studio spaces for members, where they can also sell their work.
Membership Advantages
- Access to six Exhibitions a year!
- Sell your work in the Red House Print Bins and Card Rack!
- Access to low cost "entrepreneurial" studio space!
- Artistic fellowship and support!
- Attend low cost LIFE DRAWING Open Studio Sessions!
- Attend low cost workshops led by standouts in their mediums!
- Participate in art groups!
- Receive our informative monthly newsletters!
- Subscribe to be a Featured Artist and sell on this website!
Learn more about Opportunities for Exhibiting Artwork.
Membership Responsibility
- Annual $60 membership fee is due July 1st.
- All members are expected to volunteer with the league. Most volunteer commitments are filled by being a Gallery Attendant at The Red House. Involvement with other league operations also provide volunteer opportunities.
- When you enter your work in an upcoming Red House Exhibition you are required to be a Gallery Attendant at the reception desk during the exhibit. You will sign up for those shifts as part of the registration process for the exhibit.
- For your 1st Gallery Attendant shift you will be assigned a seasoned member to mentor you. Guidebooks, online resources, instructional videos and our casual atmosphere make this an easy and fun responsibility! And every day, Gallery Attendants meet and better understand dozens of current and prospective art buyers - our guests!
It takes many people and many volunteer hours to make the Swannanoa Valley Art League a success! We encourage you to find your niche and help make it a success for all to enjoy!
Communications & Publicity
- SVAL members are added to our EMAIL LIST at the time of registration. Emails about show deadlines, openings, and special events and opportunities are sent out regularly.
- Our NEWSLETTER is emailed to all members and comes out at the beginning of each month.
- We have a regularly updated WEBSITE designed to meet the needs of our members and our patrons.
- We have a presence on Social Media with an established FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM page. *See links at the bottom of this page.
- SVAL maintains an active publicity campaign. Monthly articles and events calendars appear in local arts and news publications. We also maintain an active relationship with the Black Mountain Chamber of Commerce and have ads in local visitor and relocation guides.